MacBook Pro crashes randomly after dropping it on the floor

A few days ago my MacBook Pro slipped out of my hands and fell onto the tile floor. The outside got banged up quite a bit and the Touch Bar no longer lights up but still responds to touches sometimes but not all the time.

Anyway, since then it will randomly restart every once in a while with a kernel panic. I have the log posted below and wanted to know if anyone could tell me what is causing the panic?

Kernel Panic Log

You broke your MacBook, you need to take it for service.

The symptom that your Touch bar sometimes works (a.k.a. intermittently) means there is a bad/shorted connection somewhere. Without physically examining it, it's impossible to tell what. This is something for a professional to diagnose.

The failure of the touch bar is related. The kernel log says the failure is in AppleEmbeddedOSSupport. AppleEmbeddedOS is the software that on the T1 chip that runs the touch bar.