Firefox profile cannot be loaded after upgrade

I upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04, now when I try to run Firefox from the icon it pops up this: "Missing Profile. Your Firefox profile cannot be loaded. It may be missed or inaccessible." I already tried to remove Firefox and re-installing it. And the command

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ~/.mozilla

I've also tried to delete the profile file, or renaming it. I've found some solved problems but they didn't work for me. Maybe I should mention that if I run Firefox from terminal using sudo it starts fine.

Any idea about how could I solve this?

Solution 1:

I got the same case, and I tried to change permission of mozilla cache and it worked:

root mode

sudo -s
chown -hR $USER:$USER ~/.cache/mozilla

but after I changed, there's pop-up suggested me when I opened firefox to create a new profile. I just want to use an older profile. So I changed the permission of old profile too into my user!

chown $USER:$USER ~/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini

dont forget to make a sure the file permission is changed :)

Solution 2:

Removed profile file, changed permissions of profile folder, etc. None of them worked. Finally, changing ownership recursively on ~/.cache worked :

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ~/.cache/

Solution 3:

After all other solution this little line saved my day:

sudo chmod -R 777 .mozilla/

Solution 4:

Try deleting the current profile. That will force Firefox to create a new profile. Profile folders are located here:

~/.mozilla/firefox/<profile folder> 

The .mozilla folder is a hidden folder. Make sure that you check show hidden files in your file manager (Browser).