Why do we need the "event" keyword while defining events?

I don't understand why do we need the "event" keyword while defining events, when we can do the same thing without using "event" keyword, just by using the delegates.


public delegate void CustomEventHandler(int a, string b);
public event CustomEventHandler customEvent;
customEvent += new CustomEventHandler(customEventHandler);
customEvent(1,"a"); // Raising the event

Here if I remove the "event" keyword from the second line, then also I can raise the event by invoking the delegate. Can anybody please tell me why is this event keyword needed ?

Field-like events and public fields of delegate types look similar, but are actually very different.

An event is fundamentally like a property - it's a pair of add/remove methods (instead of the get/set of a property). When you declare a field-like event (i.e. one where you don't specify the add/remove bits yourself) a public event is created, and a private backing field. This lets you raise the event privately, but allow public subscription. With a public delegate field, anyone can remove other people's event handlers, raise the event themselves, etc - it's an encapsulation disaster.

For more on events (and delegates) read my article on this topic. (At some point I need to update this for C# 4, which changes field-like events very slightly. The gist of it is still correct though.)

The event keyword does 3 different things:

  1. You can define an event in an interface, even though you cannot define regular fields in interfaces.
  2. It changes the visibility of the = and () operators (assignment and invocation) to private, so that only the containing class can invoke the event or override all the methods contained in it. The -= and += operators can still be invoked on an event from outside the class defining it (they get the access modifier you wrote next to the event).
  3. You can also override the way -= and += behave on events.

The other answers are fine; I'd just like to add something else to think about.

Your question is "why do we need events when we have fields of delegate type?" I would extend that question: why do you need methods, properties, events, instance constructors or finalizers if you have fields of delegate type? Why do you need anything other than fields that contain values and delegates in a type? Why not just say

class C
    private int z;
    public readonly Func<int, int> M = (int x)=>{ return x+z; }
    // ... and so on


You don't need methods, properties or events. We give you that stuff because the method, property and event design patterns are important and useful, and deserve to have a standard, documented, clear way to implement them in the language.