Terminal command "open" to launch an app in a specific monitor screen
I'm using an eGPU with a dummy plug/headless adapter, and for the eGPU to work, the dummy display must be set to primary. I have two active displays - my MBP internal display, and my Cinema Display. The eGPU is working.
However, all of my applications - including system preferences and finder windows open on my dummy display.
I purchased Moom, and sent a ticket with my issue, but he said it's a visual app, and if I can't see the window, I can't use Moom with it. So Moom was a waste of $10.
I downloaded Alfred, but when I double-click the DMG file, it goes over to the dummy display as well.
Any idea of how I might open or move windows to either display 2 or 3?
So far I am not finding any solution.