Is there a way to get free mammoth coins?

I really love Brawlhalla, and I've been playing it for a good while now. I have a level 21 account, and I'm pretty good, but when I see people with these awesome skins for their character, I always think "Wow, I really wish I could get that skin!" The problem is that I don't like to spend money on games. I have already signed up for Grabpoints, and I'm saving up my points for Steam wallet money, but it takes a lot of points to get anything. So, my question is this: Is there any quick way to get free mammoth coins?

Solution 1:

I do not think so, as I am at approximately your level on PS4 and I can not find a way, so, no.

Solution 2:

Sorry, no free mammoth coins. I have seen them offer free weapons for subscribing to various social media accounts, awarded as codes you enter into the game (I believe this is how Community Colours work as well), so I suppose it's possible that the devs could give out codes for coins as a community reward, but I've been playing for six+ years now and have never seen that happen.