Is there a limit of robots the game can handle?

I know there is no real limit about how many construction and logistic robots you can put in your factory.

However, there is probably a maximum number that will cause the game crash if reached. Did the dev team already talk about this or any other official source?

There is no (practically-reachable) limit on how many robots you can have

The actual limiting-factor is how many robots the game can update each tic. I've had games with 5000 robots out at once; many of them just floated in-place doing nothing for long periods, even though there was work to be done.

I'd guesstimate the limit was around 2000 active robots, but I have no data to back that up.

This is an old thread but I wanted to comment: I'm sitting at 105k logistic/4k construction. Usually about 70k are active but during peak I manage to use all 105k, power usage of about 10.5 GW at 70k and 12 when all are in use. I can confirm the limit (if one exists) is very,veryhigh.... the downside as you may have expected is the game runs at about 20 UPS or about 1/3 speed. Powering them isn't a big issue, blueprints of nuclear plants make increasing power production pretty easy: largest concern is finding points where they bunch up and i need to put more roboports, well that and the annoying slow speed the game functions at.