Is it possible to stop monster respawns in Oblivion?

Is it possible to stop monsters from respawning in Oblivion ? Is it also possible to prevent monsters from auto-leveling with your character?

Solution 1:

Sure it is, it just requires finding the right mod..

Mods affecting the spawn rates and leveled encounter lists are a dime a dozen, so I won't bother to recommend specifics. (Similarly, not having used any, I feel unqualified.) Browse reviews and enjoy.

Solution 2:

Concerning the leveling, I can recommend Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul.

Solution 3:

Martigen's Monster Mod should fix your monster leveling problem. One of its features is:

Statically scaled levelling -- meet creatures and NPCs more powerful than you, and less powerful than you, regardless of your level as you level.