What tools are available on Windows to simulate/emulate network issues?
Solution 1:
I find clumsy wonderful :
clumsy makes your network condition on Windows significantly worse, but in a managed and interactive manner.
Solution 2:
If you're just testing how your app will repsond to ill-behaved networks, you could do worse that fire up a linux box in front of it with Wansim - I know, you wanted something ON the windows box... but probably doing the delayage there is an unfair test, as you've already bypassed a bunch of the stuff that is under test (eg how the OS & hardware handles packet loss).
I think you're not going to find web proxies to induce this sort of nastiness - far too high level.
Apologies if "testing your app's resilience" is not what you are after... thought i'd make an assumption rather than ask and forget to reply ;)