What is the expression to describe that you are surrounded and have few ways to act?

Something like "circle is narrow" (just total random)? For example I'm trapped by circumstances and don't know how to get away with that. Because every way of acting seems not to be good.

Thank you guys all! I did not expect I would get so much useful expressions! I wish I could accept all the answers! You put me in a tight spot choosing the best answer :)

Solution 1:

In a tight spot — TFD

in a difficult situation

"If there is a shortage of fuel, everyone who drives to work will be in a tight spot."
"Bob's in a tight spot right now because he has fallen behind in his work."

In a bind — TFD

Fig. in a tight or difficult situation; stuck on a problem.

"I'm in a bind. I owe a lot of money. Whenever I get into a jam, I ask my supervisor for help."
"When things get busy around here, we get in a bind. We could use another helper."

Find oneself in troubled waters — M-W

a difficult or confusing situation

Between the devil and the deep blue sea — TFD

having only two very unpleasant choices

"Our country is caught between the devil and the deep blue sea - our leaders cause great suffering, but an invasion aimed at overthrowing them would bring many other problems."

This particular usage is common in several Indian languages, too.

Put someone in an awkward position — TFD

to make a situation difficult for someone; to make it difficult for someone to evade or avoid acting.

"Your demands have put me in an awkward position. I don't know what to do."
"I'm afraid I've put myself in sort of an awkward position."

Solution 2:

You are caught between a rock and a hard place. Meaning, you are facing a decision, and feel that all of your choices will lead to difficulties.

Note that the same link offers similar expressions "between the devil and deep blue sea" and others. However, I think rock and hard place is more common in everyday use.