How does blocking all communications work?

For a short period of time, I need to make it so some of my friends can't see what games I'm playing on Steam. I've seen some threads about this "Block all communications" feature and while some say it only makes it so you don't receive messages you get from them, others say it also makes you appear offline to blocked users, thus they're not able to see you playing. So I have a few questions.

Does it really make you appear offline so that friends can't see these pop-ups whenever I start playing a game? Also, is there a notification that tells them I have blocked them?

Solution 1:

You can change your status on chat to appear offline, so you'll appear offline and no notification will show to your friends. Although your profile will show the games you played recently and I think sometimes store pages show your true status, but it won't show on friends list nor pop-up. Also you won't be able to use your chat.

Solution 2:

Certain games can be launched without Steam. If you don't want the game to show in your play history or whatever, you might check if it works.

  1. Locate the game's install directory, usually in C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\Common.
  2. Look for the game executable in the game's folders (usually .exe or .bat)
    • If you aren't sure which one it is, you can Google it or randomly run them, trying the most likely ones first.
  3. Without Steam running, run the game's executable.

This will only work for certain games. If the game requires Steam to run, it won't work. If the game is multiplayer, it is less likely to work. I have done this for games that are very RAM intensive where I didn't want Steam taking up resources. I think I did it for Planetside 2, but I don't remember.