How can I determine what is taking up so much space? [duplicate]

I was using df -h to print out human readable disk usage. I would like to figure out what is taking up so much space. For instance, is there a way to pipe this command so that it prints out files that are larger than 1GB in size? Other ideas?


I use this one a lot.

du -kscx *

It can take a while to run, but it'll tell you where the disk space is being used.

You may want to try the ncdu utility found at:

It will quicky sum the contents of a filesystem or directory tree and print the results, sorted by size. It's a really nice way to drill-down interactively and see what's consuming drive space.

Additionally, it can be faster than some du combinations.

The typical output looks like:

ncdu 1.7 ~ Use the arrow keys to navigate, press ? for help                                                         
--- /data ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  163.3GiB [##########] /docimages                                                                                  
   84.4GiB [#####     ] /data
   82.0GiB [#####     ] /sldata
   56.2GiB [###       ] /prt
   40.1GiB [##        ] /slisam
   30.8GiB [#         ] /isam
   18.3GiB [#         ] /mail
   10.2GiB [          ] /export
    3.9GiB [          ] /edi   
    1.7GiB [          ] /io     
    1.2GiB [          ] /dmt
  896.7MiB [          ] /src
  821.5MiB [          ] /upload
  691.1MiB [          ] /client
  686.8MiB [          ] /cocoon
  542.5MiB [          ] /hist
  358.1MiB [          ] /savsrc
  228.9MiB [          ] /help
  108.1MiB [          ] /savbin
  101.2MiB [          ] /dm
   40.7MiB [          ] /download

You can use the find command. Example:

find /home/ -size +1073700000c -print

I myself use

du -c --max-depth=4 /dir | sort -n

this returns amount of space used by a directory and its subdirectories up to 4 deep, sort -n will put the largest last.

New versions of sort can handle "human-readable" sizes, so one can use much more readable

du -hc --max-depth=4 /dir | sort -h