Run code only after asynchronous function finishes executing

Solution 1:

Well, you simply call the function at the end of the asynchronous callback. That is when the asynchronous callback has ended - it is when everything else in the asynchronous callback has finished! So, for example:

func myMethod() {
    // ... code ...
    somebody.doSomethingWith(someObject, asynchronousCallback: {
        (thing, otherThing) in
        // ... do whatever
        // --> CALL THE FUNCTION!
    // ... code ...

If the problem is that you do not know what function to call, you can configure your surrounding function / object so that someone can hand you a function which is then what you call in the spot where I said "call the function" in the above.

For example:

func myMethod(f:() -> ()) { // we receive the function as parameter
    // ... code ...
    somebody.doSomethingWith(someObject, asynchronousCallback: {
        (thing, otherThing) in
        // ... do whatever
        // --> CALL THE FUNCTION, by saying:
    // ... code ...

Solution 2:

Expanding on Matt's answer, you can make myMethod a method that takes a closure as a parameter:

​func​ ​myMethod​(​completionBlock​: (result: String) -> ()) 
    // ... code ...
    somebody.doSomethingWith(someObject, asynchronousCallback: {
        (thing, otherThing) in
        // ... do whatever
    // ... code ...