How to check if a line is blank using regex

I am trying to make simple regex that will check if a line is blank or not.


"    some"   // not blank
"   " //blank
"" // blank

The pattern you want is something like this in multiline mode:



  • ^ is the beginning of string anchor.
  • $ is the end of string anchor.
  • \s is the whitespace character class.
  • * is zero-or-more repetition of.

In multiline mode, ^ and $ also match the beginning and end of the line.


  •, Character Classes, and Repetition.

A non-regex alternative:

You can also check if a given string line is "blank" (i.e. containing only whitespaces) by trim()-ing it, then checking if the resulting string isEmpty().

In Java, this would be something like this:

if (line.trim().isEmpty()) {
    // line is "blank"

The regex solution can also be simplified without anchors (because of how matches is defined in Java) as follows:

if (line.matches("\\s*")) {
    // line is "blank"

API references

  • String String.trim()
    • Returns a copy of the string, with leading and trailing whitespace omitted.
  • boolean String.isEmpty()
    • Returns true if, and only if, length() is 0.
  • boolean String.matches(String regex)
    • Tells whether or not this (entire) string matches the given regular expression.

Actually in multiline mode a more correct answer is this:


The accepted answer: ^\s*$ does not match a scenario when the last line is blank (in multiline mode).

Try this:


The most portable regex would be ^[ \t\n]*$ to match an empty string (note that you would need to replace \t and \n with tab and newline accordingly) and [^ \n\t] to match a non-whitespace string.