clear javascript console in Google Chrome

Solution 1:

Update: console.clear() is available in all browsers

Update: As of November 6, 2012, console.clear() is now available in Chrome Canary.

If you type clear() into the console it clears it.

I don't think there is a way to programmatically do it, as it could be misused. (console is cleared by some web page, end user can't access error information)

one possible workaround:

in the console type window.clear = clear, then you'll be able to use clear in any script on your page.

Solution 2:

There's always the good ol' trick:


or a shorter variation of the above:


Not the most elegant solution, I know :) ... but works.

For me, I usually just print a long "-----" separator line to help make the logs easier to read.

Solution 3:

This seems to work just fine:


Solution 4:

If you use console.clear(), that seems to work in chrome. Note, it will output a "Console was cleared" message.

I tested this by racking up a ton of Javascript errors.

Note, I got an error right after clearing the console, so it doesn't disable the console, only clears it. Also, I have only tried this in chrome, so I dont know how cross-browser it is.

EDIT: I tested this in Chrome, IE, Firefox, and Opera. It works in Chrome, MSIE and Opera's default consoles, but not in Firefox's, however, it does work in Firebug.