Looking for a good Python Tree data structure [closed]

Solution 1:

You can build a nice tree of dicts of dicts like this:

import collections

def Tree():
    return collections.defaultdict(Tree)

It might not be exactly what you want but it's quite useful! Values are saved only in the leaf nodes. Here is an example of how it works:

>>> t = Tree()
>>> t
defaultdict(<function tree at 0x2142f50>, {})
>>> t[1] = "value"
>>> t[2][2] = "another value"
>>> t
defaultdict(<function tree at 0x2142f50>, {1: 'value', 2: defaultdict(<function tree at 0x2142f50>, {2: 'another value'})}) 

For more information take a look at the gist.

Solution 2:

I found a module written by Brett Alistair Kromkamp which was not completed. I finished it and make it public on github and renamed it as treelib (original pyTree):


May it help you....