How do I jump to a closing bracket in Visual Studio Code?

In VSCode when I type a bracket, e.g '(', it automatically creates the ending bracket: ')'. Are there any shortcuts to jump to the closing bracket or parenthesis, without pressing the 'End' key?

I found a way to do in Sublime Text 2 that did exactly that, using a Regex in the User's Key Bindings, but couldn't find a way to do it in VSCode.

Solution 1:

Mac Cmd+Shift+\

  • Mac with french keyboard : Ctrl+Cmd+Option+Shift+L

Windows Ctrl+Shift+\

  • Windows with spanish keyboard Ctrl+Shift+|

  • Windows with german keyboard Ctrl+Shift+^

Ubuntu Ctrl+Shift+\

Alternatively, you can do:


And select

Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts

There you will be able to see all the shortcuts, and create your own. The command in question is called editor.action.jumpToBracket.

Solution 2:

The out-of-the-box way to do it is Ctrl + Shift + |