Is there a dedicated word to describe a long-term oriented person?

You could consider using the adjective visionary which means:

Thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom: 'a visionary leader'.

Far-sighted could be a good candidate, too.

Showing a prudent awareness of future possibilities: 'far-sighted ideas on education'.

[Oxford Online Dictionary]

Prudent means "careful in providing for the future" (here) and "acting with or showing care and thought for the future" (here).

For one who consistently values long-term value, 'idealistic', the adjective from 'idealism', might be the usual. Rather than an adjective, however, the noun 'idealist' might be better to name one "who, in all his or her dealings, values the long-term value over the short term":

idealist n.
1. a person who cherishes or pursues high or noble principles, purposes, or goals.
2. a visionary or impractical person.
3. a person who represents things as they might or should be rather than as they are.

[idealist. (n.d.) Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary. (2010). Retrieved January 19 2016 from .]

'Idealist' (or 'idealistic') has the disadvantage that, in contemporary use, it is often used depreciatively:

  1. A person who creates, aspires to, or pursues ideals. Also depreciatively: one who entertains visionary or unpractical notions.

["idealist, n. and adj.". OED Online. December 2015. Oxford University Press. (accessed January 19, 2016).

If 'idealist' (or 'idealistic') is not what you had in mind, perhaps 'forward-looking' would be more suitable:

forward-looking adj.
Concerned with or making provision for the future

You may describe such a person as sagacious:

: of keen and farsighted penetration and judgment