Is there a word that means "not fitting my preferred version of reality"?

For example, suppose there's a nice guy I don't know very well. He, through a series of unfortunate events, marries an abusive cheating skank. This does not hurt my feelings, as I am not emotionally invested in the well-being of this particular nice guy. But in my preferred version of the universe, nice guys would not have to deal with such calamity.

What word conveys, rather dispassionately, that good people should have good things happen to them, and a dislike for this being untrue?



  1. satisfying one's conception of what is perfect; most suitable.

  2. existing only in the imagination; desirable or perfect but not likely to become a reality.

I would say:

"Ideally (in my preferred version of the universe), nice guys shouldn't have to deal with such a calamity."

A paradigm is defined as "an example serving as a model" and there are several synonyms for the word, but the related thesaurus site isn't showing any antonyms. Thus, you might create one with a prefix, such as anti-paradigm. If you wanted an adjective, it would be anti-paradigmatic.