Basic skills that should be learnt before playing ranked [closed]

Kiting is a (kind of) advanced skill, that you're not going to need at the beginning of your ladder-climbing journey.

However, here's a (non-exhaustive) list of things you wanna consider if you want to improve on League of Legends. Those items does not only concern people that start playing ranked games, it is also interesting for anyone who want to improve on the game, at any level.

1. Play champions and roles you're the best with

That may be obvious, but ranked games are not a place where you want to try the new champion, or test whether the new OP Xin Zhao build is really OP or not (and you've never played this champion before !). You should pick the champion and/or role you're best with. Implicitly, you know better the damage you deal all along the game, you know the strength, the speed, the power spikes, etc. This has a huge impact on helping you winning your lane, and therefore winning your games.

In League of Legends, success is highly related to knowledge and mechanical skill won't help you if you do not have a minimum understanding of every champion. Your general knowledge about the game and your champion pool will grow by the time you play. Keep on practicing!

2. Know how to CS properly

As @Aequitas mentioned, this is the bread-and-butter for anyone who wants to improve. It gives you so much free gold, it's just up to you to pick it up the best you can.

  • If you just start playing ranked games, you want to mechanically farm correctly, that is to say last-hitting. Launch games in training mode, with or without bots, and try to miss as few last-hits as possible. When playing ranked games, having 150 cs at 20 minutes is considered (in average) a good farming. Try to aim for that in your own games.
  • In a higher level, last hitting is not the main reason why people reach 200 cs at 20 minutes. More experienced players should learn how to control wave. I won't detail here how to freeze, push, slow-push, and recall effectively.

3. Ward and watch your minimap

You may think that carrying your games is way more important that vision or anything. But vision not only brings you clarity on the game, it also gives information on where the pressure is on the map.

When you start playing ranked games, you die a lot. And most of your deaths are caused by lack of vision. Ward your lane and enemy jungle if you can, and don't forget to watch the minimap (that's what warding is for).

Try to watch the minimap as much as you can. A good exercise is forcing yourself to watch the minimap between every CS. This might sound too much but it's not ! This is super important that you're able to spot the location of every opponent on the map (watching it very often prevents you from ganks).

4. Don't get discouraged, keep on thinking positive, recognize your mistakes !

Every player makes mistakes. Every player. So are you, and it's always good to know when you've done some. Watch replays, spot the errors that you don't want to do again, and you'll improve.

Do not "tilt". It's useless. It will make you lose games. Be aware of what your teammates do or say ; mute "flamers" and focus on your game. If you get killed early or if you're having a bad game, don't lose hope and try the best you can. Never surrender or /ff during your ranked games !

Of course this list is not complete. I encourage everyone of you who has additional info/advice to put it here.

  • Behave like an adult in any situation

  • Do not be toxic, under any circumstances

  • always play as team and act like a team player

  • Do not flame or insult other players (both teams)

  • Do not leave the game or go AFK, always think about having enough time to play a game BEFORE you start it

  • Comeback is always possible

If you master these rules, you will be way more successful than being able to kite or anything else