Uninstall IntelliJ Ultimate edition version 12

My evaluation licence has recently expired for IntelliJ Community edition version 12. I want to uninstall the application but do not have an option to in Ubuntu Software Centre.

I'm currently looking around my file system at what is installed as part of IntelliJ using a few guides related to Mac. I'm using Ubuntu 12.04

Can someone please point me in the right direction?

*I genuinely thought I was using Ultimate edition when I posted this question. I subsequently bought a personal commercial licence. If your boss doesn't buy you a commercial one, getting a personal commercial one was worth it for me [as I like to contribute to what I use].

Solution 1:

First do whereis idea and it will tell you that you need to delete:

  1. /opt/idea-IC-173.4548.28/ This is where I installed IntelliJ.
  2. /usr/local/bin/idea Only if you chose to install "Launcher Script" during IntelliJ installation.

Also need to delete:

  1. ~/.IdeaIC2017.3 It's a folder named after IntelliJ's version.
  2. $HOME/.local/share/applications/jetbrains-idea-ce.desktop Only if you chose to install a main menu shortcut during installation.
  3. In some cases you can also find jetbrains-idea.desktop under /usr/share/applications/

Solution 2:

To remove the product completely, do the following:

  • Delete the installation directory

  • Delete the "config" and "system" configuration directories. These contain IntelliJ IDEA's caches, configuration and plugins.

See http://devnet.jetbrains.net/docs/DOC-181 for the OS specific locations of these two directories.

That should be all you need.

Solution 3:

If you happen to install the software using snap package manager, then it is as simple as

sudo snap remove intellij-idea-community