Innocent Farming
Solution 1:
You pretty much have the method to this grind down. For a reference, this guide outlines the strategy I followed to get my 900 Statistician.
You need to upgrade the farm so the new innocents it makes are subdued.
1) place 2 statisticians in the farm
2) once a 3rd appears, remove 1 red and make sure the yellow subdued one is on that farm with another statistician, red or yellow.
3) once it breeds a 2nd yellow, subdued statistician make sure you only have 2 yellow subdued ones on the farm
4) every time a new one is born, remove it and the first one onto an item, go into the manager, combine them, and then put them back on the farm. Rinse repeat.
Unfortunately, this is Disgaea, which means there is no easy path to maxing characters. However, once you start getting better Statisticians, you effectively get a snowball effect where you start producing better and better Innocents, to the point where you will be able to get multiple 900 Statisticians in no time (after the initial grind, that is).
Your top priority should be to upgrade your Innocent Farm to spawn subdued Innocents to take out the time required to subdue them. Then, just keep doing what you're doing. Combine the spawned Innocents with the parents to keep powering them up so that they produce better Innocents.