Far manager for linux? [closed]

Midnight Commander (mc) is the usual answer, but there are others.

I'd recommend you take a look at GNU Interactive Tools, or GNUit (it was git before Linus "reappropriated" the name...) Like other GNU tools, it has EMACS-like bindings throughout.

GNUit is console-based and extensible, and has the dual-pane file manager layout with a command line underneath with editing and memory. You might like it.

Try Krusader. The only disadvantage of it is graphical interface. So it will be difficult (but possible *) to use it remotely.

* Do you know about X11 forwarding? It gives you ability to run at server GUI applications and work with their GUI locally. All interaction with user and windows is translated through network. Usually one uses ssh with -X switch for it.