Set SublimText 3 as default app for files without extension [duplicate]

Files without extension always open in TextEdit ... I want them to open in SublimText 3

I tried to change my, but simply adding public.text did not work ...

The solution was doing it with

  1. Go to ~/Library/Preferences/

  2. Open with Xcode

  3. Add this :


  1. Save & Reboot

Another way to do it

  • Without Xcode
  • Working on macOS Mojave
  • With Sublime Text 4
  1. Convert binary plist to xml plist (for easy editing)
plutil \
-convert xml1 \
~/Library/Preferences/ \
-o ~/Desktop/plist.xml
  1. Open plist.xml (on your Desktop) with Sublime Text

Add inside <array>

  1. Convert back from XML to binary plist
plutil \
-convert binary1 \
~/Desktop/plist.xml \
-o ~/Desktop/
  1. Move the new, from your Desktop to ~/Library/Preferences/
mv ~/Desktop/ \
  1. Reboot

You can also use Sublime package Plist Binary or BinaryPlist instead of manually converting from binary to XML

Copy paste script (working with catalina):

defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/ LSHandlers -array-add '{LSHandlerContentType=public.plain-text;LSHandlerRoleAll=com.sublimetext.3;}' '{LSHandlerContentType=public.unix-executable;LSHandlerRoleAll=com.sublimetext.3;}'

This sets the default to Sublime Text 3. If you want to have any other app you have to simply replace com.sublimetext.3 with the app id of your favorite app.