Use the Euclidean Algorithm to find $a, b, c, d$ such that $225a + 360b +432c +480d = 3$

I wish to find the integers of $a,b,c$ and $d$ such that: $$225a + 360b +432c +480d = 3$$ which is equal to: $$75a + 120b +144c+ 160d =1$$

I know I have to use the Euclidean algorithm. And I managed to do it for two integers $x$ and $y$. But can't figure out, how to do it with $4$ integers.

Solution 1:

TO solve $75a+120b+144c+160d=1$

You can always you Euclidean Algorithm to solve $75A + 120B = \gcd(75,120)=15$

And to solve $120\beta + 144\gamma = \gcd(120,144) = 24$

And to solve $144C+160D = \gcd(144,160)=16$.

Then in an attempt to solve $15e + 24f + 16g=1$ and to

Solve $15E + 24F= \gcd(15,24) = 3$ and $24\phi + 16\rho = \gcd(24,16)=8$.

Then solve $3j + 8k = 1$.

Then $j(15E + 24F) + (24\phi + 16\rho)k = 15(jE) + 24(jF+\phi k) + 16(\rho k)=1$

So $e=jE; f=jF+\phi k; g=\rho k$ and

So $(75A + 120B)e + (120\beta + 144\gamma)f + (144C+160D)g = 1$

And $a = Ae; b=Be+\beta f; c=\gamma f + Cg; d = Dg$.

Of, course there are probably insights and ways to make it simpler along the way.

But that's the general idea, just break it into smaller and smaller pieces.


To actually do this:

$75A + 120B = 15$ means $5A + 8B =1$ so $A=-3; B=2$ and $75(-3) + 120(2) = 15$.

$120B + 144C =24$ means $5B + 6C =1$ so $B=-1;C=1$ and $120(-1)+144(1) = 24$. (Don't let the recycling of variable names scare you; we won't combine them.)

$144C + 160D=16$ means $9C + 10D =1$ so $144(-1) + 160(1) = 16$.

The solve $15e + 24f + 16g = 1 $ .... well, I can just see $f=0$ and $e = -1; g = 1$ so

$-(75(-3) + 120(2)) + (144(-1) + 160(1)) = -15 + 16 = 1$ So

$75*3 + 120*(-2) + 144(-1) + 160(1) = 1$

Solution 2:

$$ 144 \cdot 12 - 75 \cdot 23 = 3 $$ $$ 160 \cdot 1 - 3 \cdot 53 = 1 $$ $$ 160 \cdot 1 - 53 ( 144 \cdot 12 - 75 \cdot 23 ) =1 $$ $$ 160 \cdot 1 - 636 \cdot 144 + 1219 \cdot 75 = 1 $$

The shortest vector solution is $$ a= 3, b= -2, c= -1, d= 1 $$ with $$ 3 \cdot 75 - 2 \cdot 120 - 144 + 160 = 225 -240 -144 + 160 = 1 $$

The more interesting question is finding a basis for the lattice of integer vectors orthogonal to your vector. A basis is given by these three rows:

$$ \left( \begin{array}{rrrr} -175536 & 0 & 91585 & -144 \\ -146280 & 1 & 76320 & -120 \\ -91424 & 0 & 47700 & -75 \\ \end{array} \right) $$ This three dimensional lattice has Gram determinant $66361$ Next is a reduced basis by the LLL algorithm.

$$ \left( \begin{array}{rrrr} 0 & 4 & 0 & -3 \\ 0 & 2 & -5 & 3 \\ 8 & -1 & 0 & -3 \\ \end{array} \right) $$

The Gram matrix for the reduced basis, still with determinant 66361, is

$$ \left( \begin{array}{rrr} 25 & -1 & 5 \\ -1 & 38 & -11 \\ 5 & -11 & 74 \\ \end{array} \right) $$

There is a theorem involved here, $$ 75^2 + 120^2 + 144^2 + 160^2 = 66361 $$

All solutions $(a,b,c,d)$ are given, with integer $s,t,u,$ by $$ (3+8u,-2+4s+2t-u,-1-5t,1-3s+3t-3u) $$