Recover file in Android Studio?

I created a project in Android Studio (Version 1.2) and after working on that project for a few weeks, my PC suddenly shut down (Android Studio was open at that time).

After starting the PC again, I found that one of my files was completely erased.

Here is the snapshot of the workspace -

my workspace

As you can see, nothing is left on that file.

Is there any way to recover that file? I am using Ubuntu 14.04.

Can you find the file in file explorer?

If you can, try to open the file through another explorer

You can find your projects path by right clicking the project and hitting "File Path"

Is there local history available?

Try right clicking the faulty file and checking Local History -> Show History

If you can fetch the local history, right click the history entry and click revert

you can go to VCS>Local History>show History and find from which Hour/minute you want to revert and hit revert. I've done this before and it saved my life.