Word for the sound of a voice when the speaker is suppressing grief?

Choke with grief is a common and enduring locution. Here is an example from 1823 in May you like it, by a country curate by Charles Benjamin Tayler

Naomi woke from her reverie: " yes, I am well ," she said, in a voice half choked with grief, and waving her hand, "order the coach." The man had scarcely left the room, ere she burst into an agony of tears.

And here's an example from 1989 in The Voice in the Margin: Native American Literature and the Canon by Arnold Krupa:

The old chief choked with grief and tears flowed down his cheeks. Covering his face in his blanket, he remained silent for a few moments. Then wiping away his tears, he continued:...

I resort to Yiddish1, which has a perfect word for the phenomenon you've described:

verklempt: choked with emotion (German verklemmt = emotionally inhibited in a convulsive way; stuck)

1Yiddish is a language used by Jews around the world. Originating in Central Europe around the 12th Century, Yiddish incorporates bits of other languages — German, Hebrew Polish and other Slavic languages. Written with the Hebrew alphabet, Yiddish doesn’t translate directly into other languages. English Yiddish is written phonetically — as it sounds. When reading Yiddish, you may see variations in how words are spelled, e.g. oy and oi. It’s all about how it sounds.