What is the best way to kill thugs as Xian?

Solution 1:

I'm also playing as Xian and here's my tactic - Always opt for bladed weapons with Thugs. Rather than charging in and taking a bunch of erratic swings, try to aim directly for the upper arms. If you take a moment to decide where to swing you can usually amputate his arm with just one hit. Repeat on the other side as well. Now the only thing that you have to watch out for is his bite. Try to time the rest of your advances between these attacks and it shouldn't take long to kill him at all - maybe 4 or 5 swings depending on where you hit him.

Also, remember that you always have your fury mode as well (if you've opted to put skill points in that tree). Fury works great with Thugs and will kill them in very few hits. Just make sure to time your attacks correctly because you can still get knocked down by his punches.

Solution 2:

Find a pillar or an object, and run around it. They are often quite slow to turn around that's when I get in a bunch of hits. Of course, if you have a molotov, grenade, or exploding canister, that's the easiest way of dealing with one.

Solution 3:

Wait until the thug takes a swing at you, then quickly hit him once. He should start to yell and wave his body about, without actually swinging at you, you then have about 2 seconds to get in as many hits as possible (preferably going for his arms) before he starts attacking you again. Rinse and repeat until he's dead.

Solution 4:

One deo bomb from far enough away not to hurt you.