How to get the current ProcessID?

What's the simplest way to obtain the current process ID from within your own application, using the .NET Framework?

Solution 1:

Get a reference to the current process and use System.Diagnostics's Process.Id property:

int nProcessID = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;

Solution 2:


Or, since the Process class is IDisposable, and the Process ID isn't going to change while your application's running, you could have a helper class with a static property:

public static int ProcessId
        if (_processId == null)
            using(var thisProcess = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess())
                _processId = thisProcess.Id;
        return _processId.Value;
private static int? _processId;

Solution 3:

The upcoming .NET 5 introduces Environment.ProcessId which should be preferred over Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id as it avoids allocations and the need to dispose the Process object. shows a benchmark where Environment.ProcessId only takes 3ns instead of 68ns with Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.