Using dictation to transcribe audio files in batch?

I have lots of audio files that I want transcribed. Dictation is the best transcriber I have found that will run on my MacBook (there exist others like PocketSphinx but this is no where near as accurate).

How can I use Dictation to transcribe audio files in batch?

Solution 1:

I just tried using eqMac with VLC. In VLC you can select which audio device to use for output in the audio menu.
Then in the dictation settings you can select eqMac as the input and continue from there - as per the blog post mentioned in comments.
For batch processing, just have a VLC playlist of all your files and let it go. It will all go to one text file though.
I tried out with some previous recordings and the recognition was poor. Hopefully that will improve with more articulate and clear speaking.

Solution 2:

You can use SFSpeechRecognizer (mirror) (requires macOS 10.15+): this is made for speech recognition and it's an SDK so you can write some code for batch processing.

Perform speech recognition on live or prerecorded audio, receive transcriptions, alternative interpretations, and confidence levels of the results.

Note that from (mirror):

enter image description here