Does terrain provide a defense bonus?

In the regular Fire Emblem games, characters will receive a bonus to defense when standing on certain types of terrain, such as forests. Does this system exist in Fire Emblem Heroes?

Solution 1:

As of version 1.3.0, there are now defensive terrain bonuses for the defensive maps. According to this article, these spaces reduce incoming damage by 30% of the unit's Def/Res.

These new maps include defensive terrain. A Hero on a defensive terrain tile receives a damage reduction of 30% of their Def or Res.

For reference, this is what this terrain looks like in-game:

Defensive terrain

Solution 2:

There are no terrain bonuses in Fire Emblem Heroes.

The only affect the terrain has in this mobile game is for movement, below is a quick summary:

Standard unit movement:

Flyers: 2 spaces
Calvary: 3 spaces
Infantry: 2 spaces
Armoured: 1 space

The terrain affects the units accordingly:

  • Plains: Movement is normal
  • Forest: Does not affect Flyers or Armoured, Infantry take 2 units of movement to enter, Calvary cannot enter.
  • Mountain: Only Flyers may enter
  • Water: Only Flyers may enter
  • Walls: No units may enter
    (which is also different from past FE games where Flyers could fly over)