How do I fire an event when a iframe has finished loading in jQuery?

I have to load a PDF within a page.

Ideally I would like to have a loading animated gif which is replaced once the PDF has loaded.

Solution 1:

Have you tried:

$("#iFrameId").on("load", function () {
    // do something once the iframe is loaded

Solution 2:

I'm pretty certain that it cannot be done.

Pretty much anything else than PDF works, even Flash. (Tested on Safari, Firefox 3, IE 7)

Too bad.

Solution 3:

This did it for me (not pdf, but another "onload resistant" content):

<iframe id="frameid" src="page.aspx"></iframe>
<script language="javascript">
    iframe = document.getElementById("frameid");


    function WaitForIFrame() {
        if (iframe.readyState != "complete") {
            setTimeout("WaitForIFrame();", 200);
        } else {

    function done() {
        //some code after iframe has been loaded

Hope this helps.