Kubuntu cant add new ssh network folder

Solution 1:

  1. close Dolphin
  2. open terminal and enter:
    $ ssh-keygen -R
  3. open Dolphin and enter into the address bar:
    sftp://[email protected]:22/home/user
    (the port number is optional since it is the default 22 in this case)
  4. Click "yes" to the dialog that comes up

Solution 2:

Remove the known_hosts file:

user@nixbox:~$ cd ~/.ssh
user@nixbox:~/.ssh$ ls
wolf@nixbox:~/.ssh$ rm known_hosts

Then try to add folder again and click 'yes' for the key. The file will automatically be recreated.

Solution 3:

use fish://[email protected]:22/home/user

instead of sftp and it'll work just great.

you can also set up your ~/.ssh/config to store ip, username, port etc so then you can just type fish://myserver/ in dolphin