Translations of Darboux's "Leçons Sur La Théorie Générale Des Surfaces"
Solution 1:
I don't claim to be an expert in french, but I would be happy to help with translations from french into english. Sometimes, putting words into software like google translate will not be enough. For example, look at this sentence:
Soit $E = (C[0, 1], \mathbf{\mathbb{R}})$ le $\mathbf{\mathbb{R}}$-espace vectoriel des applications continues de $[0, 1]$ vers $\mathbf{\mathbb{R}}$, muni de la norme $N_\infty$.
It is not hard to translate such as sentence. However, words like "soit" which is the verb "to be" in the third person singular of the subjunctive may mean something else for a translator, where as here it means "given" or "let".
I'd be happy to help you translate specific sentences, but not a whole text!