Entire function with prescribed values
Unfortunately, Ahlfors' hint is very misleading, and there is in fact a simpler way to solve this problem, especially since at this point of the book Ahlfors has proven both Mittag-Leffler and Weierstrass Theorems.
Let $g$ be an entire function with simple zeros at $a_n$. Recall that Mittag-Leffler's Theorem not only asserts the existence of meromorphic functions with poles at $a_n$, but allows us to control the singular part of the function at each $a_n$. So let $h$ be a meromorphic function on $\mathbb{C}$ with simple poles at each $a_n$ with singular part $(c_n/g'(a_n))/(z-a_n)$. Then $f:=gh$ has the desired properties.
I think I might have a solution that Ahlfors intended.
Since $a_i$ are simple zeros we have $g(z) = (z-a_n)g_n(z)$ for some analytic function $g_n$ such that $g_n(a_n)\neq 0$ for all $n$. So we have: $$\frac{g(z)}{(z-a_n)g'(a_n)} = \frac{g_n(z)}{g'(a_n)} = h_n(z)$$ Where $h_n(a_n) = 1$.
Now consider a single summand: $$g(z)\frac{e^{\gamma_n(z-a_n)}}{z-a_n}\cdot\frac{c_n}{g'(a_n)} = h_n(z)e^{\gamma_n(z-a_n)}c_n$$ Let's just absorb $c_n$ in $h_n$ and consider: $$h_n(z)e^{\gamma_n(z-a_n)}$$
Now consider $z$ inside $|z|<R$ and remove all $a_n$ that are inside $|z|\leq 2R$. (The number of such $a_n$ is finite). So now we have only those $a_n$ that are outside of radius $2R$ and hence $|z-a_n|>R$.
Now consider any particular $n$ for which $a_n$ is outside $2R$. Now $|h_n(z)|$ must have a maximum inside $|z|\leq R$ because the disk is compact (which infact will occur at the boundary $|z| = R$). Let that maximum be $M_n$. Now let $\gamma_n = -\gamma_n'$. Then we have: $$|h_n(z)e^{\gamma_n(z-a_n)}|=\frac{|h_n(z)|}{|e^{\gamma_n'(z-a_n)}|}\leq \frac{M_n}{e^{\gamma_n'R}}$$ Now we choose $\gamma_n'$ large enough so that the RHS becomes less than $2^{-n}$.