More Casual and Succinct Way to Say "John's Areas of Expertise"

I am creating a user profile page, and one of the sections will contain a list of the subject areas in which the user has had the most activity and up-votes e.g. User a has answered the most questions and/or received the most up-votes in categories x, y, z. The assumption is that categories where the user answered a lot of questions and received the most up-votes would be categories in which the user has a degree of expertise.

The section will list the categories under which the user's highest percentage of the above two took place.

I am struggling to find a succinct, natural heading for this section.

I am playing around with:

  1. John's Top Subjects
  2. John's Areas of Expertise
  3. John's Expertise

...but none of the above fit the scenario exactly, and all feel awkward and unnatural.

Looking for suggestions.

Forte can do a lot of heavy lifting here:

a person's strong suit, or most highly developed characteristic, talent, or skill; something that one excels in

A very current idiom that is heard frequently (at least here in the US) is "wheelhouse", as in "that subject is in my wheelhouse" defines the idiomatic version of wheelhouse as follows:

  1. in one’s wheelhouse,

    a. Baseball. (of a pitch) within the zone that is most advantageous for a batter to hit a home run.

    b. within one’s area of expertise or interest: "There are some subjects that are in your wheelhouse and some that are not."