Is there a WinSCP equivalent for Linux? [closed]

I love WinSCP for Windows. What is the best equivalent software for Linux?

I tried to use sshfs to mount the remote file system on my local machine, but it is not as user friendly as simply launching a GUI, plus it seems to require root access on the client machine, which is not very convenient.

Of course command-line tools such as scp are possible, but I am looking for a simple GUI.

If you're using GNOME, you can go to: PlacesConnect to Server in Nautilus and choose SSH. If you have an SSH agent running and configured, no password will be asked! (This is the same as sftp://root@servername/directory in Nautilus)

In Konqueror, you can simply type: fish://servername.

Per Mike R: In Ubuntu 14.04 (with Unity) it’s under FilesConnect to Server in the menu or NetworkConnect to Server in the sidebar.

FileZilla is available for Linux. If you are using Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install filezilla

Otherwise, you can download it from the FileZilla website.

I use FileZilla and it works fine with SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol). Follow these steps to install it and configure it:

1. Install FileZilla via terminal:

sudo apt-get install filezilla

2. Open the program and go to menu FileSite Manager... or simply type Ctrl + S

3. The following window should appear: Enter image description here

4. Enter the name of your host, select the port (usually 22 for ssh/scp/sftp) and choose SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol as the protocol and optionally set the Logon Type to Normal if authentication is needed, then enter your data.

A Xfce/Thunar solution is basically the same as GNOME/Nautilus:

Simply type sftp://yourhost/ in the address line in Thunar (you can get there by Ctrl + L).

(The authorization is identical to ssh/scp, i.e. with proper use of file ~/.ssh/config, keys and ssh-agent, you can achieve decent ease and security: server alias + no passwords asked.)