Adjective of "testosterone"

Is there an adjective form for the noun testosterone? A word to fill the blanks in:

All of the team’s members are muscly men. It’s a ______ team.

I’d rather not have a phrase if I can help it.

EDIT: To clarify, in this example, the team contains of all men who are strong, aggressive as usually associated with having (too much) testosterone. Or at least they think they do. Actually they're just jerks-slash-bullies. Also, they gave this name to themselves, so maybe there's a bit of boasting in there.

EDIT 2: Since it looks like my example above is somewhat misleading from my intentions covered in my first Edit, here's a revised example:

We are all strong, muscly men. We are the _______ team.

Hopefully now it's clearer that it's a name the team gave themselves, it's a bit boastful, and most importantly, it's a single word.

Solution 1:

A one-word option is testosteronic, defined by Wiktionary as

Relating to testosterone; characterized by aggressive masculinity.

You can see some examples of actual usage at Wordnik.

This way of forming an adjective would fit with testosterone's derivation, according to Wikipedia, from testicle + sterol + ketone (as a corresponding adjective to ketone is ketonic).

Solution 2:

All of the team’s members are muscly men. It’s a macho team.

Solution 3:

How about testosterone itself, i.e.:

All of the team’s members are muscly men. It’s a testosterone team.

English compounds allows you to use every noun as an adjective, if you so wish. Therefore, there is little, if no difference between testosterone team and testosterony team (to pick an example).