Born in "year" ? [closed]

I am not sure if: Born in 1996 < for example is a right form? or there is something else instead of "in" ?

From this website (see fenixpollo's answer):

Born in:

  • born in + year — I was born in 1980.
  • born in + month — I was born in October.
  • born in + place — I was born in Guadalajara.

Born on:

  • born on + day — I was born on Saturday.
  • born on + date — I was born on the 4th of July.

If 1996 is the year in which someone was born, you would write,

I was born in 1996.


He was born in 1996.

Oops, I either missed Yay's post, or we posted about the same time. Either way, you can ignore my answer. ;)