Disable 'Save changes' dialog in Adobe Reader

Every time I read a .pdf and try to exit, Reader asks me to save the changes (which of course, I had not the possibility to even make). How do I disable this dialog?

Edit - I use X, updated to the latest build.

Solution 1:

You don't say what version, but for version X I would try this:

  • Go to Edit -> Preferences -> Documents -> Save Settings and uncheck both options.

I am not sure if that is it, but that was all I could find that seemed reasonable.

Solution 2:

What worked for me, using Adobe Reader XI (Version 11.0.0), was to respond to the dialog asking whether or not to save changes by choosing "Yes", then saving the PDF file on top of itself. Thereafter, I no longer saw the 'save changes' dialog when closing the file. (The file I was having a problem with was downloaded from http://www.ti.com/lit/sg/slab034w/slab034w.pdf. Also, probably not relevant, but I'm running 64-bit Win7.)

Solution 3:

Unfortunately the previous answer doesn't work. I struggled with this for quite a while. It really is infuriating that a program that won't let you save keeps asking if you want to save. In the end the only thing I found that worked was getting rid of Adobe Reader and installing Foxit Reader. Finally, no more stupid dialog box every time I try to close a PDF.