How do I enable gore in games I bought on steam from Germany

Now please don't tell me that violent video games are illegal in Germany, they are not. :)

I have a perfectly good and gory version of Half-Life one but I can't find the disk anymore. I bought stuff a while ago and it included the orange box and now I would like to play my steam copy of Half-Life without fighting robots. Is there any way to enable gore?

Patches are fine, too.

Solution 1:

It actually is illegal to remove the content lock. So use it at your own risk.

Some countries require content lock to be engaged: for example, Germany. If you live in a country where low violence settings are required, removing the content lock is illegal.

Anyways, there is a simple way to fix this, involving changing some registry settings

  • Exit from Steam, and open the "Start" menu in Windows.
  • Select "Run", type "regedit" and click "OK".
  • Navigate to the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve\Half-Life\Settings\
  • Right click the registry values "User Token 2" and "User Token 3" , choose "Delete", and then exit the registry.
  • Restart Steam.

Note: This fix only applies to the Half-Life games.


Solution 2:

Two simple ways to solve the general problem are Amazon UK and steam gifts from friends in other countries. I have verified that both work and get you the uncensored version.

Games are also much cheaper outside of Germany. The prices in Germany say "adult market" but they reduce gore to get everything approved for 16 year olds. Fail.

Solution 3:

For half-life 1, This worked for me:

I will try on different games as I'm gonna play them... But most singleplayer games of goldsrc (and maybe also source) engine should work like this.

Best way is to import games... (Let a friend from outside germany buy it or like that)