Solution 1:

Yes, we can enable App cache by accessing private API

Create a category for WKPreferences and add to following method signature.

@interface WKPreferences (MyPreferences)
- (void)_setOfflineApplicationCacheIsEnabled:(BOOL)offlineApplicationCacheIsEnabled;

(I tried performSelector:withObject: but it didn't work. No idea why)

After initializing the WKWebView, enable the appcache by calling the above method in the following object

  [_wkWebView.configuration.preferences _setOfflineApplicationCacheIsEnabled:YES];

It will create the ApplicationCache.db file in the Cache directory and allow the web app to work offline.

Warning :

2.5. Apps that use non-public APIs will be rejected

Solution 2:

According to this tweet from at Apple, as of iOS 10, App Cache is now supported in WKWebView: does this WebKit bug report:

I've tested this in WKWebView using this site:

and can confirm it works as expected both in the iOS Simulator and on devices running iOS 10.