Navigate to a folder called (0)

VMWare AirWatch (an MDM managemt framework) locks my Desktop background picture (Override wallpaper with VMware AirWatch Agent)

I tried to find the existing picture with the following command in Sierra:

defaults write desktop-picture-show-debug-text -bool TRUE;
killall Dock

and it showed me that the picture was in (0)/Library/Wallpaper.jpg

How can I access this folder with the intent to change this managed setting.

The (0) is not part of the path. I'm not sure what it is, to be honest

I tried that terminal command and for me it says:

Screen 1 (space 1):

(14)/Users/joonaspaakko/Documents/uDesktop NEXT Library/Catalog/uDNature7658.jpg

Screen 2 (space 1):

(19)/Users/joonaspaakko/Documents/uDesktop NEXT Library/Catalog/uDNature7658.jpg

Screen 1 (space 2):

(3)/Users/joonaspaakko/Documents/uDesktop NEXT Library/Catalog/uDNature7408.jpg

Screen 2 (space 2):

(9)/Users/joonaspaakko/Documents/uDesktop NEXT Library/Catalog/uDNature7408.jpg


When I navigate to the path ignoring the parenthesis and the number, I get to the folder with the wallpaper, which in my case is: /Users/joonaspaakko/Documents/uDesktop NEXT Library/Catalog/

So based on that I would say your wallpaper is in /Library/. You can get there easily with the Go to Folder..., but in case you are not aware, that is the global Library folder you can find, if you go to Machintosh HD