Remember the Milk Desktop client

I'm a long-time fan of Remember The Milk for task management but have started to find myself turned off by the service because of the lack of good desktop clients.

This question has been asked a once or twice in the past, but I still havn't found a suitable client that supports all the features the web interface has. Ultimately I am looking for a feature-full and stable application that does not require a web browser.

Here are what I've tried so far:

  • Tasque

    Didn't even work when I installed it ('Taskque.exe has stopped working...') - from what I can tell from the website it only has basic task management features at the moment. Does appear to have a roadmap and active developers but I can't even test it properly.

  • Milkify

    Buggy. Moving between windows keeps generating exceptions - clearly not a finished product. Has some really nice features like keyboard commands but it takes three attempts to move from a task to the list view, and you normally have to fiddle around with the mouse for a while to get it to work. Doesn't appear to have any active developers.

  • App For the Milk

    I'm using this primarily at the moment and it has most of what I want, apart from tags. The UI is a little strange and causes a couple of annoying bugs but it is possible to work around them. Completed tasks disappear to some void and are unretrievable with the app unless you uncomplete them on the website.The keyboard commands are not great either. Doesn't appear to have any active developers.

  • Milksync for Outlook + Outlook

    A bit of a hack really - no proper notes support (if you want multiple notes you have to create them somewhere else then sync), tags/lists are strange and don't fit in with Outlooks own task categorisation model. Supported by Remember The Milk themselves but overall not what I want (also I only use Outlook on my work machine, not my home machine or laptop).

So, can anyone recommend a better desktop app? Or, has task management transcended RTM and moved on to some newer, shinier service with better desktop support? I'm open to suggestions for alternative software/services if the latter is the case.

I use the Google Chrome application feature. It wraps everything up into a nice window that feels native.

Login to your RTM account, and follow these instructions. If you want offline access, enable Google Gears.