Fatal error: Class 'Illuminate\Foundation\Application' not found

I am getting following error when I open my site which is made using laravel 5

Fatal error: Class 'Illuminate\Foundation\Application' not found in C:\cms\bootstrap\app.php on line 14

I have tried removing vendor folder and composer.lock file and running composer install it's not working I tried running PHP artisan optimize but it shows error

Fatal error: Class'Illuminate\Foundation\Application' not found

Is there any way to solve this problem?

Edited: This problem aroused as soon as I used the php artisan make:model Page command which did create the model but then the above error gets displayed when I access the site Also If use the Laravel's Local Development Server no such problem arises only if I use wamp server

Solution 1:

In my situation, I didn't have the full vendor dependencies in place (composer file was messed up during original install) - so running any artisan commands caused a failure.

I was able to use the --no-scripts flag to prevent artisan from executing before it was included. Once my dependencies were in place, everything worked as expected.

composer update --no-scripts

Solution 2:

Just in case I trip over this error in 2 weeks again... My case: Checkout an existing project via git and pull in all dependencies via composer. Came down to the same error listed within the title of this post.


composer dump-autoload
composer install --no-scripts

make sure everything works now as expected (no errors!)

composer update

Solution 3:

Something is clearly corrupt in your Laravel setup and it is very hard to track without more info about your environment. Usually these 2 commands help you resolve such issues

php artisan clear-compiled
composer dump-autoload

If nothing else helps then I recommend you to install fresh Laravel 5 app and copy your application logic over, it should take around 15 min or so.