Glitchy behavior with my Magic Trackpad

My Magic Trackpad (on a 2011 iMac) keeps randomly clicking, which causes random text selects, etc. Also the cursor seems glitchy while it's happening too, it'll slow down and erratically move around.

I'm not using any extra tools like BetterTouchTool, and it's worked fine for the past few months since I got it. I've tried new batteries and a new OS X user account.

Anyone know what the issue could be? Is it a known issue, should I just ring Apple to get a replacement?

EDIT: Just tried it on Windows via Bootcamp, and it does the same thing, so it must be a hardware problem.

Solution 1:

Turns out it was a hardware issue. Got a replacement from Apple, and it works fine!

Solution 2:

I had this happen just the other day! Suddenly my trackpad was stuck "dragging". I couldn't click. I could right-click (two finger tap), but I couldn't normal-click. And when I tried, it locked down a drag point and I was selecting everything under it.

And then also occasionally it would fire a mouse click when I bumped my desk. I could literally drop my fist on my desk and fire a mouse click. I knew I had to deal with this when I deleted an email in and then took a phone call, leaving the mouse pointer over the trashcan button. I sort of paced around my office talking (like I do), and when I got back to my desk.... inbox zero!

Turns out my KEYBOARD was failing. The shift key was getting stuck down (hence the sticking in select mode) and somehow it was also submitting mouse clicks. I've had that keyboard for quite a while, eaten lots of lunches over it, etc. I replaced it, and it's been flawless ever since.

Try unplugging your keyboard and see if the behavior persists. At first, I could plug it back in and it would behave for a while. Then even that quit working.

Solution 3:

I discovered that a small pile of computer screws near mine were somehow interfering. Removing the metal from the vicinity of the trackpad fixed the glitches.

This page also recommends giving the trackpad a physical click to wake it up: