Throttling Bandwidth on Firefox

I currently use Firefox as my browser, and saw there was an add-on called "Firefox Throttle" that would limit my bandwidth usage for me. As I am on an overall low data cap from my ISP, I wanted to use this plugin, but found it was outdated and broken. What other way can I limit my bandwidth?

I am using Windows 7 x64

Solution 1:

6 years later, a plugin is no longer needed! This has been part of the Network Monitor UI (press F12) since Firefox 55 (August 2017). Throttling allows the emulation of the bandwidth and latency of various network types, from GPRS up to WiFi:

Solution 2:

Data usage isn't really something that an application can "throttle"-- you either use the bandwidth, or you don't. Throttling usually indicates a limit on the speed; you use the same amount of data just over a larger time.

If you're running Windows, a program called NetLimiter is really useful for monitoring how much data is being consumed by the system.

You can also do it at the network level if your router supports it. the DD-WRT and other custom firmwares (pfsense, monowall, Tomato, OpenWRT) often display data usage in the router status