What is the phenomenon called, when things start resembling what you are thinking about?

like when Tom is hungry he sees jerry as a hot dog. When you are searching for something every other thing appears that it is the very thing you are searching for.


So as suggested in the comment here is what I want exactly:

I want to give title to this event which happened: On 31st December as I looked into an old message which my friend had sent me, I got surprised as to when he sent me a Happy New Year message, when suddenly I realized that it was written "Happy to Hear"

Solution 1:

I'm not a psychologist or a psychiatrist, but this sounds like it fits the term perceptual distortion, particularly the variant termed self-fulfilling prophesy on slide 21 in the link.

From montofacto.com:

Perceptual distortion: Lack of correspondence between the way a stimulus is commonly perceived and the way an individual perceives it under given conditions.

Solution 2:

This is called a mirage. merriam-webster

an optical effect that is sometimes seen at sea, in the desert, or over a hot pavement, that may have the appearance of a pool of water or a mirror in which distant objects are seen inverted