Correct MySQL username/password, but getting Access Denied error when run from script
I'm currently trying to run the following command from within a shell script.
/usr/bin/mysql -u username -ppassword -h localhost database
It works perfectly fine when executed manually, and not from within a script. When I try to execute a script that contains that command, I get the following error:
ERROR 1045 (28000) at line 3: Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
I literally copied and pasted the working command into the script. Why the error? As a sidenote: the ultimate intent is to run the script with cron.
EDIT: Here is a stripped down version of my script that I'm trying to run. You can ignore most of it up until the point where it connects to MySQL around line 19.
#Run download script to download product data
cd /home/dir/Scripts/Linux
#Run import script to import product data to MySQL
cd /home/dir/Mysql
#Download inventory stats spreadsheet and rename it
cd /home/dir
mv file1.txt sheet1.csv
#Remove existing export spreadsheet
rm /tmp/sheet2.csv
#Run MySQL queries in "here document" format
/usr/bin/mysql -u username -ppassword -h localhost database << EOF
--Drop old inventory stats table
truncate table table_name1;
--Load new inventory stats into table
Load data local infile '/home/dir/sheet1.csv' into table table_name1 fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by '"' lines terminated by '\r\n';
--MySQL queries to combine product data and inventory stats here
--Export combined data in spreadsheet format
group by p.value into outfile '/tmp/sheet2.csv' fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by '"' lines terminated by '\r\n';
EDIT 2: After some more testing, the issue is with the << EOF
that is at the end of the command. This is there for the "here document". When removed, the command works fine. The problem is that I need << EOF
there so that the MySQL queries will run.
Turns out the root cause was a command in the MySQL query that I was trying to execute without the proper permissions. That is why it says error at line 3
, meaning line 3 of the sql query. I switched to root
and everything works fine now. Here is the question more clearly asked and answered:
MySQL Access denied with "here document"