Sum of two velocities is smaller than the speed of light

Using the Lorentz transformation from special relativity, we get that the sum of two velocities can be expressed as


Given that $|u'|,|v| \le c$, I want to prove that $|u| \le c$, ie. that the velocity never exceeds $c$. However I am struggling to produce this bound. I have tried to bound the denominator from above but this produces zero and have tried a case wise approach but this has got me no where either.

With only basic analysis, you can do it by fixing one of the two variables.

You can prove that, for a fixed $u'<c$:

  1. The function $f_{u'}(v)=\frac{u'+v}{1+\frac{u'}{c^2}v}$ is a monotonically increasing function.
  2. $f_{u'}(c)=c$

From $1$, you can conclude that if $v<c$, $f_{u'}(v)<f_{u'}(c)$,and including $2$, that gives you $f_{u'}(v)<c$.

This proves that if $u',v$ are both smaller than $c$, that $\frac{u'+v}{1+\frac{u'v}{c^2}}$ will also be smaller than $c$.

Such relativistic sum of speeds (here denoted as $\oplus$) can be written in terms of a simple pullback: $$ u\oplus v\stackrel{\text{def}}{=}c\cdot\tanh\left(\text{arctanh}\tfrac{u}{c}+\text{arctanh}\tfrac{v}{c}\right)$$ since $\tanh$ is an increasing function with range $(-1,1)$, $\left|u\oplus v\right|< c$ immediately follows.