Adjective for family-friendly jokes?

Kind of sincere, earnest, like you might find in a kids' movie; homely, a little banal, or... it's on the tip of my tongue!

Wholesome would seem to fit, with its' associations with G-rated family appropriateness.

If these two suggestions for family-friendly jokes are not be quite right, the synonyms may help.

larking Google source (informal Brit.) gerund or present participle: larking

enjoy oneself by behaving in a playful and mischievous way. "he's always joking and larking about in the office"
synonyms: fool about/around, play tricks, indulge in horseplay, make mischief, monkey about/around, footle about/around, clown about/around, have fun, cavort, caper, romp, frolic, skylark;

ribbing from Merriam-Webster (adjective)

marked by or expressive of mild or good-natured teasing "the lightly ribbing tone tipped me off that this wasn't a serious reprimand"

Synonyms of ribbing

bantering, chaffing, fooling, funning, jesting, joking, joshing, kidding, rallying, razzing, ribbing.